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To make your peak, hair thick, mix these two things in the oil to make the hair thick.

How to make hair thick?

Image Source: Freepik
How to make hair thick?

Are your hair also becoming thin? If yes, then there may have been nutritional deficiency in your hair. Start taking care of your hair in time or else your hair health can be badly affected. If you want to make your hair thick, then you must see coconut oil, fenugreek and curry leaves in your hair care routine.

Coconut oil will prove to be effective

If you use fenugreek and curry leaves in coconut oil, then you can improve your hair health to a great extent. First of all, put coconut oil in a bowl and put it on the gas. Now cook one spoon fenugreek seeds and a little curry leaves in the coconut oil. After this oil is cooked, leave it to cool down.

How to apply

You can add this oil to your hair care routine by heating it lightly. To get better results, massage well with this oil a few hours before the hair wash or a day before. Use this oil twice a week and see the positive effect automatically within a single month. Coconut oil, fenugreek seeds and curry leaves, the mixer of these three can prove to be a boon for your hair health.

Beneficial for hair

By using this oil regularly, you can make your thin hair thick. You can also use this oil to get rid of hair fall problem. For your information, let us know that this oil is considered very beneficial for hair growth and strength.

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