Mutual funds that make investors millionaires include Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund. This fund has completed 25 years. If you had invested Rs 10,000 every month from the beginning of this scheme, then you would have Rs 2.65 lakh crore today. If you had invested Rs 1 lakh at the beginning of this scheme, then on November 25, 2024 your money would have increased to Rs 31 lakh.
Great return in every time-frame
Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund (Kotak equity hybrid fund) Management fund manager Atul Bhole. He uses bottom-up stock picking strategy. Its Cagr has been 14.7 percent since the beginning. This fund has given more returns than its benchmark in almost every time-frame. These include three years, five years, 10 years, 15 years and 25 years.
Currently 75% investment in equity
The Net Asset Value (Nav) of the regulator plan of this plan was Rs 33.89 on February 4, 2025. Fund manager Atul Bhole of this fund has kept the investment portfolio quite diversified. He has invested in stocks of companies with different market captivilization. This has helped in giving alpha returns along with managing the risk. On December 31, 2024, the fund made its 75.07 percent investment in equity. 20.94 percent invested on date. 3.6 percent of cash was equallant. 0.4 percent of the investment was made in real estate.
Investment in government securities also
Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund’s date portfolio has securities of Government of India. Their maturity are in 2037, 2053, 2064, 2030 and 2063. The total investment of the fund is between 4.31 and 1.75 percent. In a year, this fund has given 13.59 percent returns. Its return was 12.68 percent in three years. It has been 16.61 percent in 5 years. It has been 12.91 percent in 7 years. It has been 11.90 percent in 10 years. The expansion ratio of this fund is 1.76 percent.
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Understand the risk before investment
Experts say that the track record of this fund in the case of returns has been excellent. However, investors should not take a decision based on the previous returns of a fund in investing. Hybrid fund means a fund that invests the money of the investor in both share and date. Due to this, the total return of it does not fall much due to the investment in the date in the decline in the stock market. However, investors should take the opinion of their financial advisor before investing in a fund.