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The small desire of ‘Utran’ has become so big, sometimes he had won innocence, now this work is leaving acting

Uttaran child artist

Image source: Instagram
Ishita Panchal and Sparsh Khanchandani.

Colors TV’s hit show ‘Utran’ started in the year 2018. The story of this show was based on two young girls- penance and desire. Initially, a deep friendship was shown between the two girls, which later turns into enmity. The desire is the daughter of the maid and the penance is the owner. Both of them get friendship at a young age and they are ready to go to all extent to play together. Meanwhile, the father of austerity falls on the will on the will and they adopt him like a daughter. They try to give her every happiness that was with penance, but the grandmother and mother of penance do not adopt the desire and forces her to live on the landing of penance. Currently, years have passed over this TV show, but people still remember its story.

It is so big now

Not only the story of the show, both the small girls of this show have not come out of the minds of the people. People still remember the cuteness and masters of both. Now the small girls of the show have become very big and their recent look has also changed a lot. Far from the world of acting, these two girls are making their place in different fields. Both of them have selected different paths leaving acting. The small penance and desire of ‘Utran’, who once won the heart with innocence, now live completely private life. Let us tell you in detail about them.

iccha aka sparsh khanchandani

Image source: Instagram

Desire means touch.

Sparsh chose a different way

The desire for ‘Utran’ i.e. Sparsh Khanchandani appeared in many shows and then suddenly disappeared. The reason for this was his studies. He made distance from acting to focus on his studies. The touch is 22 years old and her look has changed completely. Sparsh’s father is a lawyer and she is following them, that is, she is also studying advocacy. Sparsh was last seen five years ago in the Mythological TV show ‘Vikram Betal’. The show saw a revenge for a crooked teeth.

Tapasya Aka Ishita Panchal

Image source: Instagram

Tapasya means Ishita Panchal.

Ishita became a doctor

Now come, he has become very beautiful on penance i.e. Ishita Panchal. His big eyes were liked by people in the show. Now the innocent -looking girl Tapasya is 24 years old. Both his style and avatar have completely changed. Ishita Panchal also made distance from both TV and social media due to studies. He has now chosen a different path leaving acting. Ishita’s parents are doctors. In such a situation, he also considered it right to become a doctor like Papa-Mummy. He has completed his MBBS studies.

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