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Business Idea: Cashew is cultivated ATM machine of money, earn money

If you are looking to do such a business. In which there is less chance of losses and bumper earnings, then we are giving you such a business idea. Which has tremendous demand in the market. It is a product that is eaten in cold, summer rain every season. Apart from this, everyone from children to old eats it with great fervor. Not only this, the demand for this product always remains strong from village to cities. We are talking about cashew farming. There have been many changes in farming in the country for some time.

Now the farmers of the country are leaving traditional farming and putting more emphasis on cash crops. The government is also constantly making farmers aware from its level. Farmers can earn well by planting its trees.

Cashew cultivation

Cashew is considered to be very Lokpriya in the form of dry fruits. It has a tree. The length of the tree can range from 14 meters to 15 meters or more. Its plants are ready in 3 years to give fruits. Apart from cashew nuts, its peels are also used. Paint and lubricants are prepared from the peels. Therefore, its cultivation is considered very beneficial. Cashew plant grows well at hot temperatures. The suitable temperature for its cultivation is between 20 and 35 degrees. In addition, it can be grown on any type of soil. Nevertheless, red Balui loam soil is considered better for this.

Where is cashew farming?

25 % of the total production of cashews comes from India. It is cultivated properly in Kerala, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. However, now its cultivation is also being done in many districts of Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh.

How much will it be earned from cashew?

Once planting cashew plants, it results in fruits for many years. It costs at the time of planting plants. 500 cashew trees can be planted in one hectare. According to experts, 20 kg of cashew nuts are found from a tree. It produces 10 tons of cashew nuts in one hectare. This is followed by the expenditure in processing. Cashew is sold at Rs 1200 a kg in the market. In such a situation, you will not only become a millionaire but a millionaire by planting a large number of saplings.

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