Wheat Farming Tips: Irrigation for wheat crop is very important for agriculture. It helps in crop growth and ensures good yield. Farmers are doing second irrigation of early wheat crop in the month of January. However, it is very important to take some precautions at this time. If irrigation is not done properly, the crop may be damaged. According to agricultural experts, the second irrigation should be done lightly so that the field does not get waterlogged. Excessive watering can cause the soil to become soft and the grip of the roots to weaken, increasing the risk of crop failure.
The right time of irrigation is also very important. It is best to irrigate in the evening because at this time the wind speed is less and the water gets absorbed well into the soil. In this way, proper irrigation keeps the wheat crop good and healthy.
Right time for second irrigation of wheat
Speaking to Local 18, agriculture expert Dr. NP Gupta said that now is the right time for second irrigation of wheat crop sown in the last week of November or December. This is the best time for crops and with proper irrigation, better production can be achieved.
Importance of light irrigation
During the second irrigation, it is very important to keep in mind that the irrigation should be light. Avoid overwatering as it can cause waterlogging of the soil which will damage the roots. Excessive watering makes the soil soft and the grip of the roots becomes weak. Due to this, even light wind can cause the crop to fall, resulting in a huge decline in production.
Important precautions while irrigation
While irrigating, farmers should keep in mind that water should only moisten the soil and not flood the field. If waterlogging occurs, it can cause significant damage to the crop and production may be affected. Therefore, it is important to do irrigation in a controlled and precise manner.
irrigation at right time
The timing of irrigation is also very important. Farmers are advised to irrigate in the evening when wind speed is slow. By irrigating at this time, water remains in the field for a longer time and till morning the wheat crop looks green and full of freshness. Irrigation in the morning can cause the water to dry up quickly and the crop may not get much benefit.
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