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Want to make rice like restaurants, then definitely follow these small tips

How to make blooming rice?

Image Source: Freepik
How to make blooming rice?

Have you ever noticed the difference between rice made in home and rice served in restaurants? For your information, let us know that the rice of the restaurant is much more blossomed than the rice of the house. Every grain of rice served in the restaurant appears separately. Let us know about some tips, which can also feed the rice made at home.

Way to wash rice

Before cooking the rice, wash them thoroughly and clean them. To make bloom rice, it is necessary to wash and take out the starch in rice. That is, until you see clean water, you have to wash rice. Apart from this, let us tell you that if you want to make biryani and casserole, then you should use basmati rice. Different dish rice are used with different dishes.

How to cook the rice?

Do you know the right way to cook rice? If you want to make rice like a restaurant, then you should cook rice on low flame. Let us tell you that rice can also be burnt by cooking rice on high heat.

The amount of water should be correct

If you use less water while making rice, rice will remain raw. On the other hand, if you use more water while cooking the rice, then the rice will start dissolving. For your information, let us know that one and a half to two cups of water may be required for one cup of rice.


To make bloom rice, you must follow this tip. When the rice cooks about 90%, then you turn off the gas. Now you have to cook and cook the rice for about five to ten minutes.

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