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SIP power! 15000 rupees to deposit 41 crores from monthly investment, know how to know

Power of sip

Photo: File Amazing of sip

Sip power: The Indian stock market fluctuations are like rollercasters, but experienced investors know that patience and frequent investment leads to wealth creation. These days there is a decline in the market. Taking advantage of this opportunity, for those who dream of early retirement, we will tell how they can become rich by taking advantage of SIP and understanding the power of step-up and depositing a lot of money. Let us know how Rs 41 crore can be deposited from monthly SIP of 15 thousand rupees.

Planning will have to be done in this way

Suppose you are 25 years old. You have started ₹ 15,000 monthly SIP, assuming that you will get 15 percent annual return on your money in the next 35 years. In this situation, the SIP calculator shows that if an investor makes 10 percent step-up annually in his monthly SIP, it will become a fund of about ₹ 41 crore at the age of 35 years i.e. at the age of 60 years. Experts suggest that if a person wants to retire at the age of 60, then he should do 10 percent step-up SIP.

Strong returns in the long term

The stock market gives strong returns in the long term itself. So if you are a SIP investor, then always invest according to the long -term target. If you carry on a target of 10 or 20 years, then you will easily deposit thick money. In the meantime, the fall of the market will not have any significant impact on you because the average continues through SIP.

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