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Punjab’s future shining with green stamp paper, the efforts of the government are fierce with the efforts of the government

After this initiative of the government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, a large amount of invitation in Punjab

Photo: Punjab Government Since this initiative of the government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, a large amount of investment has come in Punjab.

Green Stamp Paper: Do you know that Punjab is the first state in the country where a specific color coded stamp paper is also in trend. It is known as green stamp paper. It has a great impact between investors. The government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann brought this stamp paper in 2023. Since then, a large amount of investment has come in Punjab. After the arrival of this stamp paper, industrialists in the state have received a lot of convenience. They are able to easily put their projects in the state and millions of people are getting employment from it. So let us know what is this green stamp paper really and how CM Bhagwant Mann is changing the appearance of Punjab.

Clearance for factory is found in 2 weeks

In May 2023, Bhagwant Mann Sarkar decided to bring green stamp paper to the industry in Punjab. Its purpose was to give quick clearance to industrialists for their projects. According to the state government, industrialists get clearance for new industrial projects within 2 weeks for applying for green stamp paper. Green color stamp paper means that the factory owner has received all the permissions.

What is the process?

For example, if an industrialist wants to set up a factory in Punjab. When he identifies the land, it will inform the government through the ‘Invest Punjab’ portal or by visiting the office. After this, the government’s land use change team, which allows, will take 10 days. The industrialist is asked to buy a green color stamp on OK by the team. This stamp paper comes expensive than normal stamp paper. It has all the necessary permissions like Change of Land Use, Forest Department Clearance, Pollution and Fire Department Fee. After the registry of the land, the industrialist can start the factory work and will not face any problem.

All permission is being received in a few days

If you go offline, Tehsildar is stationed in the office of ‘Invest Punjab’ in the state, where all kinds of approval on the same window are being received within 15 days. On the 16th day, the registry of the land and the land worship on the 17th day can be installed by industrialists. Where earlier certificates of land use used to take months to achieve, now all the permissions are found in a few days.

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