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Petrol, diesel vehicles will be banned in this metro city, government constituted committee

Mumbai Traffic

Photo: File Mumbai

Mayanagari Mumbai And petrol, diesel vehicles may be banned in its surrounding areas. In fact, in view of the increasing pollution in Mumbai and its surrounding area ie Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) Is formed. According to the official proposal (GR) of January 22, the committee headed by retired officer of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) Sudhir Kumar Srivastava will work as a study and will submit a report with its recommendations within three months. Transport Commissioner of Maharashtra, Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic) of Mumbai, Managing Director of Metropolitan Gas Limited, Project Manager of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (Mahavitaran), Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) Chairman and Joint Transport Commissioner (Enforcement -1) The other member of the committee is the secretary.

Bai High Court expressed concern

The government proposal (GR) states that the committee has the right to include the experts of the area as fellow members and receive response from them. The Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) also includes neighboring Thane, Raigad and Palghar districts. Taking a automatic cognizance on January 9, hearing a PIL, the Bombay High Court expressed serious concern over the traffic congestion in the city of Mumbai and their negative effects on increasing pollution and quality of life, environment and overall stability.

Created a committee of experts

The High Court said that emissions from vehicles are a major source of air pollution, given that existing measures to control the number of vehicles and pollution in Mumbai are proving insufficient. Acting on the comments of the High Court, the state government has formed a committee of experts to study petrol and diesel vehicles in MMR and study only CNG and electric vehicles.

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