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Pakistan Lohri Revival; Dullah Bhatti Folk Tale | West Punjab Celebration Lohri festival celebrated in Pakistan: Punjabi community performed Bhangra by lighting fire; Zia-ul-Haq had closed it – Amritsar News

Women dancing at Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore on Lohri.

Along with India, the festival of Lohri was also celebrated in Lahanda Punjab (Western Punjab) of Pakistan on Monday. People of Punjabi community lit bonfire and performed Bhangra while celebrating the festival of Lohri at Gaddafi Stadium on Ferozepur Road in Lahore.


Celebrating the festival of Lohri was stopped in Pakistan after Zia-ul-Haq assumed power in 1968. this festival Rai is associated with the name of Abdullah Khan Bhatti (Dulla Bhatti). in lohri song The name of Dulla Bhatti is also mentioned. Dulla Bhatti was called the Muslim Robin Hood of Punjab before independence.

After partition in 1947, Dulla Bhatti was almost forgotten in Muslim-dominated Western Punjab, but the festival of Lohri is still celebrated in India. Now the Punjabi community living in Pakistan has started celebrating Lohri again from last year.

Photos of Lohri Celebration in Pakistan

Youth performing Bhangra at Gaddafi Stadium on Lohri.

Youth performing Bhangra at Gaddafi Stadium on Lohri.

Fire was also lit at Gaddafi Stadium to celebrate the festival of Lohri.

A fire was also lit at Gaddafi Stadium to celebrate the festival of Lohri.

Women, elderly and children also performed Bhangra.

Women, elderly and children also performed Bhangra.

Punjabis performing Bhangra at Gaddafi Stadium in Pakistan during Lohri celebrations.

Punjabis performing Bhangra at Gaddafi Stadium in Pakistan during Lohri celebrations.

Historian Bajwa said – Zia ul Haq made changes Pakistani historian Ali Usman Bajwa said that Baisakhi and Lohri are cultural festivals of Punjab. Not celebrating these festivals is tantamount to separation from our history. general Zia-ul-Haq Celebrating the festival of Lohri was stopped in Pakistan as soon as PM assumed power. He made many changes, which affected Baisakhi and Lohri.

Connection of Dalit community and Dulla Bhatti Pakistani writer and lawyer Nain Sukh (real name Khalid Mahmood) reported that the festival of Lohri was more popular among the Dalit community in Pakistan, especially the Valmiki community. Dulla Bhatti shared food with a Dalit girl who was like her sister. Valmiki Samaj used to take out processions and organize wrestling competitions on this festival.

Dulla Bhatti's grave is in Miani Sahib cemetery of Pakistan.

Dulla Bhatti’s grave is in Miani Sahib cemetery of Pakistan.

Who is Dulla Bhatti, whose mention is related to Lohri? According to folklore, Dulla Bhatti was born in the village of Pindi Bhattiyan in present-day western Punjab in the 16th century. His father and uncle were hanged by the Mughal emperor Akbar. This thing was hidden from Dulla, but later when he came to know about it, he became a rebel.

A major reason for Dulla Bhatti’s popularity was his saving Sunder and Mundar, the daughters of a poor Brahmin family. This is the same story on which the famous Lohri song ‘You are beautiful and handsome, what are your thoughts?‘Dulla Bhatti Wala Ho’ is based on.

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