30 minutes walk daily
Walking, ie, walking daily is an exercise to improve your entire health. Walking only 30 minutes every day improves heart health. Only thirty minutes of walks can make bones strong. This can reduce the excess body fat and starts increasing muscles. The 30 -minute walk acts like magic for your body. This may reduce the risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancer.
The special thing is that you do not need any training to walk. You can easily go on the walk without any equipment. Walking at any time of the day can be done and you can do it more or less according to your speed. Elderly, young and children can easily do any walk.
Benefits of walking 30 minutes
Heart and lung fitness better
The risk of heart diseases is reduced
The risk of stroke is low
High blood pressure will be controlled
High cholesterol will start decreasing
Remove joint pain or tightness in joints and muscles
Easy to control diabetes
Strong bones and better balance
Body will reduce the fat in the body
To get maximum benefits, a 30 -minute walk must be done daily. The more speed you walk, the higher the benefits. ‘Tej’ means that if you talk, your breath starts to swell. You have to walk in such speed. If you are having difficulty walking 30 minutes at a time in the beginning, then you can take 10-10 minutes a day and complete 30 minutes. Try to keep yourself physically active. If there is a pet pat in the house, then take it away. Use stairs instead of lift. Keep walking a little on foot throughout the day. This will start to improve your health.
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