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More than 11 thousand ration card canceled in UP, those who pay income tax were also taking ration for free – Mathura Income Tax Payers Were Taking Free Ration Now 11 Thought Cards Cancelled

Even today, there are many people in India for whom it is very difficult to arrange daily food. The government runs several schemes to help such needy people, so that they can get necessary help. Through the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana run by the central government, the poor are getting free ration gift.

Millions of people are getting the benefit of this, while some people take up the free ration from the government even after earning millions. At the same time, there are not one or two but 11 thousand people in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, who were raising free ration even after paying income tax.

Used to take free ration even after earning millions

Even after earning millions in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, major action has been taken against the card holders raising free ration under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana. There were 11,849 people in Mathura, who used to collect income tax but were also taking advantage of the government’s free ration scheme. Now the supply department has canceled their ration cards. A total of 4 lakh 64 thousand 230 ration card holders are registered in the district under the Food Security Act in the district. Of these, 4 lakh 22 thousand 794 eligible eligible households are under the scheme, while 41 thousand 436 are beneficiaries of Antyodaya Yojana. Under the Antyodaya scheme, ration card holders get 35 kg of food grains, while 5 kg of food grains are distributed under the eligible household scheme.

11 thousand cards canceled

Explain that in the free ration scheme of the Central Government, the card holder is given wheat and rice at a very low rate according to the number of family members. The government’s objective behind this scheme was to provide assistance to the needy through the scheme, but there were some people whose income was millions of rupees, yet their requirements were not being met. These people used to pay income tax on their huge earnings, but did not miss out on taking free ration. The Income Tax Department sent a list of Income Tax payers to the supply department, which was checked by the supply department from the list of ration card holders. As a result of this matching, 11,849 people came out, who were not entitled to take advantage of the scheme.

The supply department has also canceled ration cards in the district whose holders had died long ago and ration was being taken on their cards. The department has canceled 3956 such cards in Mathura district. The department has canceled such cards by matching the data of women receiving pension.

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