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Large warning released for Chrome users, is in danger personal data and privacy

Google Chrome, Sert-in, CERT-in Warning, Tech News in Hindi, Chrome Security Warning 2025
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Alert released regarding Google Chrome browser.

If you use Google Chrome for browsing then there is news of work for you. Actually, there is a big danger on the data in your device and you need to be careful with it. Actually, some versions of Google Chrome have revealed big flaws, which can make your personal data and your privacy bare. A large warning has been issued by the government agency CERT-in.

Cert-in alerted users

CERT-in has issued an alert for millions of users of Google Chrome in its warning. According to CERT-in alert, the flaws found in Google Chrome are so large that it can not only affect the Windows and Linux systems but it can also affect the Mac laptop called safe. The government agency has included it in the list of serious warnings.

According to Cert-in, hackers can easily reach your device by taking advantage of the flaws found in chrome. Not only this, cyber criminals can steal data and also misuse it. Cert-in told Chrome users that if they are using chrome of the old version, then update it immediately.

There is a big threat on these versions

According to the information, it can be extremely dangerous to work on the system of 134.0.6998.35 or older system on 134.0.6998.35/36 on Windows or 134.0.6998.44/45 Old version on Chrome of the old version can be extremely dangerous. If you are also working on Google Chrome of these versions, then you need to update immediately.

Let me tell you that anyway, you should usually keep updating your laptop, mobile from time to time to keep your data safe and maintain privacy. Along with this, it is also necessary to update the instal on the device.

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