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‘Illegal migrants are threatened to security of India’, Vice President Dhankhar warned

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar.

Image Source: PTI
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar.

In various countries of the world including India, America, illegal migrants remain the issue of debate at this time. In America, illegal migrants are being captured and sent back to their country. On the other hand, campaigns against illegal migrants are going on in many other states including Delhi in India. Amidst all these steps, now India’s Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar has given a big statement. He has clearly stated that illegal migrants are a threat to the security of India.

Efforts to influence electoral system- Vice President

On Monday, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar addressed a group of participants of the Rajya Sabha Internship Program. During this time, the Vice President said that illegal migrants are threatened by India’s democracy. This is because these illegal migrants are trying to influence our electoral system. The Vice President has appealed to the Government of India to take steps as soon as possible to resolve the issue of illegal migrants.

Danger for the security of the nation- Vice President Dhankhar

Vice President Dhankhar further said- “Illegal migrants are also a threat to our social harmony and security of the nation. We have to see the challenges. The challenge for the country is that millions of illegal migrants are living on our land. Is this not a challenge to our sovereignty? Such people can never connect with our nationalism. ”

How can the country bear this- Vice President

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar said that lakhs of illegal migrants are living in our country. How can a country bear millions of illegal migrants. The Vice President said that illegal migrants are using resources of our health, education and other facilities. They are engaged in jobs that are for our people. The Vice President further said that he hopes that everyone in the government will seriously consider the issue. This problem and its solution cannot be delayed by even a day. (input language)

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