How many hours should be walked in 1 day?
Walking is very beneficial for health. From losing weight, the walk is one of the easiest and most effective exercises for a healthy body. Walking causes bad cholesterol control and also improves heart health. But many people do not know how much should be done in a day, so let us tell you how much we walk in a day, how many hours will be done according to age and what are the best benefits of walking?
How much should be done in a day?
According to the expert, one should walk about 8 to 10 kilometers per day. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people should exercise at least 150 minutes every week. This means that walking about 30 minutes fast a day, which is equal to about 4 to 5 kilometers per day. If you want to take it up one notch, then the target of walking 8 to 10 kilometers can help lose weight.
How much should be done according to age?
For children between 6 and 17 years of age, it is advisable to play at least 60 minutes of active game every day. That is, one should run up to 15000 steps in a day. People of 18 to 40 years should run 12000 steps. People beyond 40 must run 8000- 10000 steps. People of 60 years must go on 4000- 500 steps. An ideal start can be about 2 to 4 kilometers with a target of 20 to 30 minutes per day.
Benefits of Walking:
Walking provides many health benefits. It promotes heart health by increasing blood circulation and reducing stress levels. This not only improves your mood and energy, but also helps in maintaining healthy weight, strengthening muscles and improving flexibility. Also, this is a great way to clean your brain and raise your morale.
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