fake eyelashes
Every woman desires long and thick eyelashes. But not everyone’s eyelashes are thick, so women use fake lashes to enhance the beauty of their eyes. This makes the eyes look beautiful but do you know that fake eyelashes cause a lot of harm to the eyes and natural eyelashes (Fake lashes side effects). Let us know what problems are faced by using fake eyelashes and also how to grow your eyelashes in a natural way?
Fake eyelashes can cause these damages to the eyes:
Eye Irritation & Infections: The glue used in fake eyelashes contains harsh chemicals that can irritate your eyes or even cause infection.
Natural Lash Damage: Continuous use of fake eyelashes weakens the natural eyelashes. And because of this the eyelashes gradually become thin and start breaking.
Chemical Exposure: Many adhesives contain toxic substances like formaldehyde, which can harm the eyes as well as the skin.
Try these natural remedies to make your eyelashes thicker:
There are many methods you can use to strengthen your eyelashes naturally. If you must use extensions, choose formaldehyde-free, natural eyelashes—they’re safe for your eyes and skin. But apart from this, if you want thick eyelashes naturally, then consume foods rich in biotin and omega-3 in your diet. Also apply natural castor oil, vitamin E oil or lash serum on your eyelashes and massage gently. By doing this, the growth of eyelashes improves and they grow quickly. Let us tell you, consumption of castor oil and biotin rich foods is a complete game-changer for thick eyelashes.
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