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Does applying aloe vera gel to hair start growing new hair? Know the truth and how to apply it

Benefits of aloe vera gel on hair

Image Source: Freepik
Benefits of aloe vera gel on hair

The problem of hairfall has increased considerably in the last few years. Look at the problem of hair breakage, thinning and hair being white. Some people start having premature baldness in their heads. Many times, 50-100 hair breaks every day when changing weather or changes in lifestyle. It is normal to happen for a few days, but long -term hair breakage can cause baldness problems. In such a situation, the problem of hair loss can be reduced by taking some home remedies. Aloe vera is the best remedy for hair, which can remove many hair problems.

Aloe vera gel founded nutrients

Aloe vera gel is considered excellent for hair and skin. Aloe vera gel contains vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B12, fatty acids and amino acids. Applying aloe vera gel on the scalp makes blood circulation good. This removes itching problem, infection and hair problem. Aloe vera contains a chemical compound called Iloinin which helps in hair growth. This causes hair growth rapidly.

Aloe vera gel and onion juice

Applying aloe vera gel and onion juice to the hair reduces hair loss and new hair starts growing. Use this mix daily for a few months. Regularly start applying aloe vera gel and onion juice in it. Leave both things for about 1 hour and then wash with mild shampoo.

Aloe vera gel and amla powder

Aloe vera and amla are also considered beneficial for hair. Both these things are not less than a boon. For this, mix aloe vera gel and some amla powder in 1 bowl. You can also add amla juice to it. Apply it on the scalp like a paste and also massage turmeric. Leave like this for 1-2 hours. After the time is complete, wash the hair with a herbal shampoo. Do this at least 2 times a week. This will reduce hair breakage and new hair will start growing.

(This article is for general information, must consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)

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