If you want to earn big money through farming, then today we are telling you about such a business. Where you can earn lakhs of rupees every year. This is a business which is always in demand. Today many educated people are turning to farming and earning lakhs of rupees easily. The government is also providing assistance to agriculture related businesses. Today we are giving you the idea of ginger farming. Which is used in everything from tea to vegetables and pickles. Along with maintaining good demand throughout the year, excellent prices are also available.
There is huge demand for it in winter. With this, there is a good demand throughout the year. In this you can earn more profit (profitable business) than job. The most important thing is that help will also be available from the Central Government for its cultivation.
How to cultivate ginger?
Ginger cultivation depends on rain water. It can be cultivated alone or along with papaya and other large tree crops. 2 to 3 quintals of seeds are required for sowing in one hectare. Ginger cultivation should be done by making beds. Apart from this, by making drains in the middle, water also drains out easily. Ginger should not be cultivated in fields with stagnant water. Soil with pH of 6-7 is considered better for ginger cultivation. The tubers of the previous ginger crop are used. Big ginger claws are broken in such a way that two to three shoots remain in one piece.
ginger sowing method
While sowing ginger, the distance from row to row should be 30-40 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be 25 to 25 cm. Apart from this, after sowing the tubers at a depth of four to five centimeters, they should be covered with light soil or cow dung manure.
How much will it cost to cultivate ginger?
It may take 8 to 9 months for the ginger crop to be ready. The yield of ginger in one hectare is 150 to 200 quintals. Ginger cultivation in one hectare can cost around Rs 7-8 lakh.
Earning from ginger farming
If we talk about earning from ginger, then the yield of ginger in one hectare can be 150-200 quintals. Ginger is being sold in the market at around Rs 80 per kg. If it is considered at the rate of Rs 60 per kg, then up to Rs 25 lakh can be easily earned in one hectare. Even after taking out all the expenses involved, there will be an easy profit of up to Rs 15 lakh.
Business Idea: Earn big money from porridge business in winter, start it from home like this