SIP Calculator: There is a lot of stock market risk in mutual fund SIP. But, common investors are taking risks and investing huge amounts of money in mutual funds. Mutual fund SIP is considered a great tool for long term investment, which gives investors huge returns in the long run. AMFI data is a witness to the fact that SIP has made investors big money in the long run. Today we will know here that if you deposit Rs 5000, Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000 in SIP, how much fund will be generated in 10 years?
5000 rupees
If you do SIP of Rs 5000 then your total investment in 10 years will be Rs 6,00,000. If you get an average expected return of 12 percent every year, then you can create a corpus of around Rs 11.61 lakh in 10 years with a SIP of Rs 5000. If you get an average expected return of 15 percent every year, then you can create a fund of around Rs 13.93 lakh.
Rs 10,000
If you do SIP of Rs 10,000 then your total investment in 10 years will be Rs 12,00,000. If you get an average expected return of 12 percent every year, then you can create a corpus of around Rs 23.23 lakh in 10 years with a SIP of Rs 10,000. If you get an average expected return of 15 percent every year, you can create a fund of around Rs 27.86 lakh.
Rs 15,000
If you do SIP of Rs 15,000 then your total investment in 10 years will be Rs 18,00,000. If you get an average expected return of 12 percent every year, then you can create a corpus of around Rs 34.85 lakh in 10 years with a SIP of Rs 15,000. If you get an average expected return of 15 percent every year, you can create a fund of around Rs 41.79 lakh.
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