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ISRO achieved great success in the world of space, Spadex Undqing succeeded

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Image Source: Twitter @ISRO
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In the space, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has created a new dimension and has achieved a new achievement. ISRO has successfully carried out Undocking in the Spadex Mission. Let us know that after the launch of the mission, ISRO wrote history by adding 2 different sketlites to the space. These two satellites among themselves were successfully separated today. There will also be such experiments to add and separate 2 different satellites in the space. Today’s success is an important step towards setting up future deep space missions and indigenous space stations.

Main order of events

  • SDX-2 Extension Successful
  • Capture Lever 3 released according to plan
  • Capture Lever separated in SDX-2
  • Decapts command released in SDX-1 and SDX-2

The spadex mission is a cost -effective technology mission for performance of docking in space using two small spacecraft launched by PSLV. This technology is necessary for India’s space ambitions, such as Indian zone on the moon, sample withdrawal from the moon, construction and operation of Indian space station (BAS) etc. In-space docking technology is mandatory when the launch of several rockets is required to achieve general mission objectives.

Mission purpose

  • The primary objective of the Spades Mission is to develop and display two small spacecraft (SDX 01, named SDX 01, and SDX 02, named Targate).
  • Demonstration of transfer of electric power between the spacecraft docked in secondary purposes, which is essential for future applications such as space robotics. Overall spacecraft control. Integrity operations after ignores.

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