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Business Idea: Apply this tree once, cut thick profits for 35 years, health will be good – Business Idea Start Kinnow Farming with Low Investment Earn High Income Know Details

Nowadays educated people are also moving fast towards farming. India is an agricultural country anyway. Even today, a large part of the population depends on farming. In such a situation, you can also earn a hefty amount through farming. Today we are giving you the idea of ​​earning bumper from the cultivation of kinnow. Kinnu can be easily cultivated in almost all areas of India. It is a lemon class crop. Which includes varieties like orange, lemon and kinu. It is a balanced diet of citrus and sweet fruits.

Kinnu is a major crop of Punjab. It is being cultivated in India in Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir. Kinnu is cultivated throughout North India. Juice is provided in a lot of juice from kinnu fruits. Which has good demand in the market. In such a situation, he has made a distinct identity in the market in Kinnu.

How to cultivate kinnu?

Kinnu can usually be cultivated in any kind of land. Kinnu can be easily cultivated in loam soil, clay and acid soil. For its cultivation, the land should be such that water can get out easily. For good growth of plants, there should be a pH value land between 5.5 and 7.5. Cultivation of kinnu requires temperatures ranging from 13 degrees to 37 degrees Celsius. At the same time, when it comes to rain, rains up to 300-400 millimeters are sufficient for better cultivation. The harvesting temperature for the crop should be between 20–32 ° C.

Broke Kinnu from tree in which month

When the color of the fruits on the plants of Kinnu starts appearing attractive, break them. It should be broken between January to February. You will need a stick to break these fruits from the field. Apart from this, you can also harm the fruit with the help of scissors. After the flutter, they should be washed thoroughly and then dried in the shade.

Earning from kinnu

The specialty of the Kinnu tree is that once applying it, it gives fruit for 30-35 years. About 80 to 150 kg of fruits can be found from a tree. According to the farmers, there are about 214 Kinnu trees in one acre. The cost of each tree is around 50 rupees. At the same time, you can sell it in bulk at a price of up to Rs 20-45 per per. You can get a price of Rs 45-50 per kg after the orange season is over. Can sell kinnu crop anywhere. But there is a lot of sale in states like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Delhi, Punjab etc. Not only this, Kinnu is also sold in Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia.

Kinnu is a treasure of health

Vitamin C is the highest in Kinnu. Eating it increases blood in the body. Bones are strong. Along with this, eating Kinnu improves digestion power. Its consumption reduces the risk of many serious diseases to a great extent.

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