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Railway News: You could not climb on the train due to huge crowd on the platform! Will you get money refund?

Rail passenger boarding the train at the railway station.

Photo: PTI Rail passenger boarding the train at the railway station.

Traveling by Indian Railways is many times enjoyable, so many times you can also be upset. Many times, due to the huge crowd on the platform, you are unable to reach your reserve seat in the train. Many times the train is missed due to the crowd. In such a situation, the question will be in your mind whether the rent of the passenger’s reserve seat will be refunded? Yes, here, here, tell me that due to some reason the train ticket rent can be refunded in case of missing the train. It has some fixed terms and conditions.

TDR will have to be filed in due time

According to, you can get refund from Railways by filing TDR (ticket deposit receipt), stating the reason for not traveling as per the current rules. Since the chart is ready, you cannot cancel the ticket. To start the refund, the person has to file TDR (ticket deposit refund). According to the rules and regulations of the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), the passenger will have to file TDR within four hours of the train. The person will not be eligible for refund when delayed in filing TDR.

How to do TDR File

Passengers can log in to the IRCTC app and file TDR online. After login, you have to click on the train option and then click on the file TDR option. The file TDR option will appear on the screen and as soon as you click on it, the ticket will appear. You have to choose your ticket and click on the file TDR. After choosing the cause of TDR, the TDR will be filed and the refund will be found within 60 days.

TDR can also be filed in this condition

If all passengers with a railway ticket with confirmed or waiting list do not travel, you can file TDR till 72 hours before the arrival of the train. The certificate issued by the ticket-class staff should be sent to IRCTC via post.

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